The Sama Ved shares this divine status, and therefore a place of honor in the Hindu tradition. Although the Sama Veda is often considered the third Ved after the Rigved and Yajur Veds, in the Bhagavad Gita, one of the great epics of the Hindu tradition, Krishna describes the Sama Ved as the most important of the Veds.
Samaved is a collection of melodies and chants, and is also called the "Book of Song," "Ved of Chants" or even "Yoga of Song." "Sama Ved" should not be read or recited, but sung. It contains about 1,900 verses, almost all of them taken from the "Rig Ved."
The Samaved is compiled exclusively for ritual application, for its verses are all meant to be chanted at the ceremonies of the Soma-sacrifice and procedures derived from it. The Samaved is, therefore, specially intended for the Udagatr priest. Its stanzas assume their proper character of musical samans or chants only in the various song-books called Ganas. According to the Jaiminiya Sutra – ‘Melody is called Saman.’ Saam Veda is considered to be the source from which Indian music has originated.
Among the four Veds, the Samaved is regarded as the foremost. In the Bhagavadgita, where Lord Krishna has declared “Among the Veds I am Samaved”-Vedanama Samavedosmi. Here Indra, Agni and Soma deities are mainly invoked and praised but most of the time these prayers seem to be the invocations for the Supreme Being. In the spiritual sense Soma represents All-pervading, Glorious Lord and Brahman, who is attainable only through devotion and musical chanting. Thus major theme of the Samaved can be regarded as worship and devotion (Upasana).
- One gets divine peace while listening to the incantations of Saama Veda.
- Agni (fire) destroys the demons.
- Agni is the deity, who shows us the (right) path
- Agni blesses us with wealth.
- Destroy 'people of hatred' with the help of knowledge.
- One, who maintains cleanliness keeps away diseases.
- Virtuous deeds make you great.
- People of double standards never experience happiness.
- The provider of food protects one and all.
- One, who wears gems possesses wealth.
- One, who by the help of his 'knowledge',endeavours for the good of others, attains fame and makes rapid progress by the virtue of his capabilities.
- One, who by the help of his 'knowledge',endeavours for the good of others, attains fame and makes rapid progress by the virtue of his capabilities.
- Engage yourself in all that is auspicious..